When flow of a fluid with coefficient Re ≥ 47 through a certain structure, they will interact with each other. This can cause oscillation and lead to destruction structure due to the acting of the flow. One of the techniques to reduce structural vibration is to use sub-systems to change the flow structure. In this research, immersed boundary method is applied to investigate the effect of controlling flow through a circular cylinder by placing two rotating controllers with crucial-shaped. The results showed that the lift force and drag force acting on the cicurlar cylinder significantly decreased when the rotating speed of the 2 crucial gradually increased. In addition, the influence from the placing position of 2 crucial to the drag coefficient and lift coefficient is also investigated. From the results, it can be concluded that 2 rotating crucial can completely eliminate the vortex and stabilize the flow if their position, and rotating speed are reasonable.
control flow, immersed boundary method, vortex, circular cylinder, rotating crucial