Risk Assessment of Damage to Television and Radio Station due to Lightning

Authors: Le QuangTrung*


Due to the special structure with high adjacent antenna tower, the risk of damage caused by lightning to television and radio stations is enormous. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the method of risk assessment of the damage caused by lightning to television and radio stations with greater detail and precision in calculation. The paper calculates and analyzes the risk caused by lightning to a typical television station by the improved method based on the calculation method recommended by IEC 62305-2 standard, with some additional and more detailed calculation formulas proposed by AS/ANZ 1768 standard and IEEE 1410 standard. The results of calculation show that the level of risk of loss of service caused by lightning to television and radio stations in Viet Nam is from 1.4 to 32 times greater than the value of tolerable risk. After installing the lightning protection systems to against direct strikes, indirect strikes on the power line and the signal line according to the determined protection level, the level of risk of loss of service caused by lightning is lower than the value of tolerable risk.


Keywords: Risk of damage due to lightning, lightning protection, television and radio station.
Pages : 7-12

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