Study the possibility of using leather fibers to make epoxy composite

Authors: Bùi Văn Huấn*, Đoàn Anh Vũ, Nguyễn Phạm Duy Linh, Ngô Thị Kim Thoa


Vietnamess footwear and leather goods industries generate large amounts of chrome tanned leather wastes and their treatment is difficult. In this study, the dry leather waste was grounded in a hammer miller, to get short leather fibers with a diameter of 0.08 ÷ 0.3 mm, length 5 ÷ 15 mm. Fibers are mixed with epoxy resin (with additives) and pressed into composite materials (with different ration of epoxy resin/leather fibers) by different press technology parameters. Composite samples were tested for breaking strength, bending strength and impact strength. The morphology of the composite material was observed by field effect electromagnetic microscope (FE-SEM). Composite materials have good properties with a leather fibers ratio of 40%. The suitable press technology parameters for the composite are pressure 5 atm, pressing temperature 60 ºC and pressing time 2 h.


Composite epoxy/leather, composite leather, leather fiber
Pages : 81-86

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