Biorefinery of biomass which fractionates the biomass to bio-products, is seen as the foundation of the bio-economy. Cassava is main starch source for industry in Vietnam. A long with cassava starch process, cassava bagasse was discharged at a rate of approximately 280 tons of wet bagasse (85% moisture) per every 300 tons of cassava roots processed. With the residue starch estimated up to 50-60%, the bagasse can be seen as a glucose materials. By treatment of the bagasse using the granular starch-hydrolyzing enzyme Stargen 002 (DuPont) at 10 GAU/g dry bagasse at 50 oC, pH 3.5-5, the glucose can be totally recovered from residue starch in bagasse in one step process. The highest glucose concentration of the hydrolysate attained of 137 g/L and can be used for fermentation of desired products. Starch-free cellulose received can be used to develop cellulose materials. Those recovered products can help to improve the total value of the cassava production chain.