JST: Smart Systems and Devices Vol 35.1 (01/2025)

Created on : 15-01-2025
1. Research article
Open access
Evaluation of the Scalability and Performance of the Open Source Serverless Computing Platforms
Authors: Nguyen Tai Hung*
Pages: 01-09
2. Research article
Open access
Vietnamese Sign Language Alphabet Recognition Using Deep Learning and Mediapipe Methods
Authors: Tran Anh Vu, Phung Van Kien, Phung Van Kien, Hoang Quang Huy *, Pham Thi Viet Huong
Pages: 10-19
3. Research article
Open access
Application of Genetic Algorithms to Solve the Clustered Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem
Authors: Ta Anh Son*, Nguyen Thi Hien, Hoang Manh Hieu
Pages: 20-29
4. Research article
Open access
Control of Stand-Alone Hybrid Wind-Photovoltaic Energy System Using Fuzzy Logic
Authors: Pham Duy An*
Pages: 30-39
5. Research article
Open access
A Self-Locking Electrostatic Microgripper
Authors: Nguyen Ngoc Minh, Phuc Hong Pham*
Pages: 40-47
6. Research article
Open access
Motorcycle Emission Simulation Using AVL Cruise M Software
Authors: Phạm Hữu Tuyến, Nguyễn Cao Cường*
Pages: 48-56
7. Research article
Open access
A Study on Speed Tracking Control for Hydraulic Linear Actuators Using High Speed On/Off Valves
Authors: Van-Thuan Truong*, Xuan-Dat Ngo
Pages: 57-64
8. Research article
Open access
Simulation Approach to Investigate the Influence of the Steering Wheel Angle And Vehicle Speed on the Rollover of a 4-Axle Truck Vehicle during Turning Maneuvers
Authors: Ta Tuan Hung, Duong Ngoc Khanh*
Pages: 65-73